Aging and Becoming

Aging and Becoming is not a work to rush through. It is contemplative reading, packed with thoughts to savor slowly, like a leisurely conversation over coffee with a beloved friend. It will activate your ego’s awareness of your soul’s natural condition: an appreciation for wonder, mystery, and curiosity, and a natural knowing of the rich meaning and potential of your life.

The Mediatrix Archetype in Dreams

It is your Mediatrix who wants to understand and learn from your dreams, and when the time is right, she will show up to provide guidance. Occasionally, her appearance can have the life-changing impact of a mysterious supernatural experience, but more often it’s very subtle, so you will have to be on the watch for her.

Your Choice

It’s the eve of the election. This dream arrived the night before last. #4984: The Little Boy Doesn’t Want to Learn I’m in a new place – it feels like a room in a children’s school — with a few other very likable men and women. We are making packets of information for the children. […]

The Wisewoman: Counselor at the Crossroads, Weaver at the Gate

The “counselor at the crossroads” aspect of the Wisewoman represents our instinctive recognition of opportunities for choice at critical stages of life and the knack for making appropriate decisions based on love and the true processes of our souls.

The Shape of Water: The Shape of Change?

Fortunately, there are prophets among us to show us the way. They are the courageous and gifted artists who create books and films depicting ordinary people who evolve into heroic individuals. The Star Wars series, Avatar, Arrival, and The Shape of Water are examples.

A Zen Summer

The Asian martial arts are rooted in Zen Buddhism and Taoism. Their spiritual elements gave purpose and meaning to the ancient warriors who loved and practiced them. The same can be said of those of us who practice loving Nature, our Mother. If our practices have a spiritual element, so do hers.

Join the Epoch III Ego Evolution Revolution

…symptoms of the ego’s death throes include a lack of psychic energy, a sense of alienation from the world, unstable relationships, mood shifts, depression, extreme anxiety, impulsiveness, potentially self-damaging behaviors, intense and inappropriate anger, emptiness, boredom, identity disturbances, and so on.

For the Crones

Throughout history mothers and grandmothers have dedicated most of their energy, and often their lives, to nurturing and preserving life. Of course, many fathers and grandfathers have done the same. But women’s contributions have been educationally, financially, politically and spiritually restricted, vastly underrated, and largely taken for granted except for occasional lip service.

Which Feminine Archetypes Are Strongest In You?

If you haven’t read last week’s post, you might want to go there first to hear my thoughts about the basic masculine archetypes. This time I want to highlight the feminine ones. Please remember that these energies and qualities, so-called “masculine” and “feminine,” are part of the psychological inheritance of everyone, regardless of gender.